PCB designer & Firmware Developer
As an experienced electronic engineer, I have been working in PCB design/layout and firmware development for 10+ years.
- Altium Designer, Cadsoft Eagle, Cadence Allegro, OrCAD, Ansoft, ADS, HFSS, MATLAB,
Quartus II, CCS, Micro C, etc.
- ARM, DSP, MCUs, Arduino experience.
- Arm cores: ATSAM, STM32, PIC32, A13, FreeScale, MSP, NXP
- MPU: Pic16F, Pic18F, Pic33F, Atmega8,16,128,32
- Single board computer: Raspbery pi, Beaglebone, NanoPi
- Strong with UART, I2C, SPI, BLE,BT, GSM/GPRS/GPS, xBee, ZigBee.
- Especially full experience for BLE
- Arduino NANO, UNO, MEGA, DUE
- Depth knowledge for BLE protocol
- Strong foundation in simulation MATLAB
- FPGA design using Verilog/VHDL (Xilinx ISE/XPS/SDK/Vivado, Altera Quartus, iCECube)
- Raspberry PI
I am available full time. I am very passionate about the work I deliver and strive to deliver something I am proud of. I will guarantee, that your work will be delivered in time and met with the high-quality standards you, as a customer, should expect.
If you think you could benefit from this service, I would be more than happy to help you and hear from you. If you have bigger projects that is not covered in my packages, let me know and we can find a solution.
Thanks and have a nice day!
Work Terms
Skype ID : "U_G_Dragon"
Email: lengshen@yandex.com