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  • .NET
  • .net Core
  • C#
  • PostgreSQL
  • Web API
  • API
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Programming
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data
  • Spring Framework
  • .net Framework
  • API Development

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  • C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC Development

    $40/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I create web APIs, desktop software, and different data-transferring pipelines with C# and .NET for over 10 years. My goal is to deliver the best quality solutions to my customers, and that is achieved... FrameworkAPIASP.NET
  • Java, Spring Boot MVC Development

    $40/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I offer my services in the field of web API, desktop software, and different data-transferring pipelines with Java and Spring Framework. Having worked over 5 years with Java, I worked in banking area...

    APIAPI DevelopmentBanking IndustryDesktop ApplicationsHibernate


Built trading systems, financial marketplace, CRM, ERP, MES and many other projects;

Worked as a senior and a lead developer, know how to build a reliable architecture and write a clean code. Effectively collaborate both as a team player and as an individual contributor. Always look for ways to enhance my skills.

My technology stack:
- C#, .NET Framework/Core, Entity Framework, Dapper ORM
- Java, Spring Framework, JPA, Hibernate, jOOQ
- Golang, Gin, Echo
- Python, Django, Flask
- SQL (MS SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- NoSQL storage (ELK, Redis, KeyDB, MongoDB.)
- Messaging queues (RabbitMQ, Kafka, ZeroMQ)
- Others task-specific libraries and modules

Feel free to contact me and discuss details of your project. Your project will be delivered properly and at time.