Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL / MySQL / NGINX
My name is Alex. I'm web developer, CTO of on5LAB LLC, Russia. I have 5 years experience in web development, DB's and servers. If you want to create a site,or add something to your already existed site, or create any web service for your mobile app, in this case I'm the man that you need. I have more that 5 years of the experience in the web development and I'm focused at (descending) :
Server side:
? Ruby ( Ruby on Rails )
Client side:
? JavaScript: jQuery/Zepto.JS, BackBone (UnderScore.JS), MooTools
? CoffeScript
? CSS, SASS, LESS DataBases:
? Relational Database ( MySQL / PostgresSQL )
? Document-Oriented Databases ( MongoDB / CouchDB )
Deploy Experience :
? Apache
? Capistrano
I'll be glad to work with you, Alex.