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    "The things I like most about Leslie are her sensibility, precision, and speed with which she is able to bring harmony to words on a page. She's the kind of person that isn't finished with a job until it's perfect. Her process unfolds like the petals on a flower; each new iteration bringing more c

    olor and delight to the landscape of creative expression."

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    Amari Gold

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    “If you want to write, I mean really say what you REALLY want to say, Leslie Caplan is the editor and writing coach to hire. She doesn't let go until the word fits exactly. No compromise. My writing has soared since we've been writing together. Because she holds me tight and raises the bar, I've ste

    pped up and out and claimed my authentic voice. Thank you Leslie for putting yourself out there for others now. The world needs you. Humanity needs you.”

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    Carola Marashi

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    "Working on my memoir with Leslie has been like engaging with my own self in another body. She becomes the self that can see perspectives I feel blind to, can hear a deeper story that I am too scared to birth alone, and can spot the undotted i or uncrossed t that eludes me. She has the skill to be p

    resent to all of these arenas a writer traverses. And she does it with such heart. I wholeheartedly recommend her as coach or editor on your writing project."

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    Sarah Marshank