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  • App & Mobile Programming
  • Apple Uikit Framework
  • GitHub
  • HTTP
  • iOS App Development
  • Objective-C


  • IOS program development

    $100/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    熟练使用AFNetworking、FMDB、SDWebImage、MJRefresh、MagicalRecord、Masonry等第三方库 熟练使用Xib及其自动布局,并复用Xib快速更新页面需求 精通真机调试和App发布流程 精通社交分享技术,使用友盟SDK实现QQ、微信、微博等分享及第三方登录功能 熟练使用百度、高德地图,包括POI搜索​​、位置捕捉、pin定制等 精通苹果推送机制和极光推送机制...

    App & Mobile ProgrammingApple Uikit FrameworkGitHubHTTPiOS App Development


Serve employers wholeheartedly

I am honest, sincere, and hardworking. Dare to innovate and constantly pursue excellence. Capable of quickly adapting to various environments, emphasizing teamwork and integration. Humbly communicate with others to learn from each other's strengths and make up for their weaknesses. Has a strong sense of time and strong logical analysis and independent problem-solving skills, good coding habits, strong adaptability, and the ability to quickly learn and use new knowledge.
I have rich experience in developing technology and am dedicated to solving technical problems for employers.

Work Terms

Business hours: AM 9:00-PM 9:00

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