With a keen eye for improving content and a focus on high-quality deliverables; I am the Guru for you.
Off the back of a very good set of high-school results, I pursued and achieved a Bachelors degree in Economics, Management and Information Systems. From this grounding I was able to become a skilled content writer and trainer/facilitator on a consultancy basis for a large media corporation. By meeting the requirements of highly demanding projects I was able to excel and prove my worth amongst my far more experienced colleagues.
I quickly became known for producing high-quality content and was in general a go-to person for checking content for accuracy and grammar. My goal was to become a person that anyone could come to for assistance and I believe I handily achieved that. The only times I said "no" was when helping others would directly compromise the existing work that was assigned to me. Through this behaviour I was able to permeate my best-practices to all sectors of my client's business. From basic day-to-day end-user support to handling content for complex developments (like master data and custom coding solutions); I approached every task with the same level of enthusiasm and determination to create winning solutions.
Even in my personal life I enjoy pushing myself beyond my known boundaries. I am a retired guitarist and song-writer who loves finding new genres of music to enjoy. I maintain life-long friendships through online communications and gaming. Whenever possible I attempt to get my hands on computer and other related "tech" hardware. I constantly find myself formulating review-like sentiments towards the content that I consume. I hold very few biases and actively avoid joining in petty arguments. I love debating things from multiple perspectives and thoroughly enjoy being proven wrong or becoming aware of how I can view things from a new angle or perspective. My opinions are always tempered to match the audience I engage with. I am a cat and dog person and my wife cannot go a single day without telling me that she loves me.
Work Terms
Operating hours: Afternoons & nights (GMT +2) - 7 days a week.
Payment methods: Paypal or direct payment to credit card (bank facilitates both).
Communications: Skype, Zoom, Guru messages and direct email.
Off-limits work: None.
Preferred language: English.
Preferred development platform: Digital - PC.