Delivering High-Quality Code and Exceptional User Experiences.
Dedicated and passionate about quality and customer satisfaction.
• Python, PHP, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Elixir, Golang, and C#
• Methodology: Object-Oriented, Test Driven Development
• Frontend: React.js, Next.js, TypeScript, JavaScript (ES6+), HTML5, CSS3, TailwindCSS, Sass, Bootstrap
• Back-end: Django, Laravel, ASP.NET, Java Spring, Phoenix, Ruby on Rails, Gin
• Databases: SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase, Neo4j, Oracle Database
• Web3 & Blockchain: ethers.js, web3.js, SmartContract, Solidity, Anchor(Rust), hardhat,
Foundry (Forge)
• Mobile: React Native, Flutter, Java, Swift