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  • AngularJS
  • Consultant
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • Salesforce


  • CRM Implementation Service

    $25/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    As a CRM business and technical consultant with significant experience in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Salesforce, Logiciells ensures that a CRM implementation delivers quantifiable results for all stakeholders...

    AngularJSConsultantMicrosoft Dynamics 365Microsoft Dynamics CRMSalesforce


CRM the business need

As a CRM business and technical consultant with significant experience in Microsoft CRM as well as web technologies, Logiciells ensures that a CRM implementation delivers quantifiable results for all users across the company. Our team has worked across all phases of the SDLC, including requirements workshops, development of the solutions as well as project management.

we have been working with software solutions for over ten years, and for the last five years have been focussed on Microsoft Dynamics CRM which is the market leader in CRM when considered from a value for money perspective.

we can help you with

- Dynamics CRM installation and configuration
- Data migration
- User Interface customization
- Workflows
- Plugin
- ISV Solution Design
- Design and development of online portals and integration with Dynamics CRM
- Email marketing solutions.

We have worked on several End to End implementation . for example
1) Gas and Electricity Sector, (Online Form submission, Process and commission system for agents)
2. Staff Scheduling system. (enroll coaching staft and get paid upon proving coaching)
3. Helpdesk solution (for internal IT service desk)

Founded: 2008

Work Terms

Mon-Fri 900 AM-6:00 PM