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Total Feedback Received: 2

  • gmollohan · Mar 08, 2013

    We had multiple graphic artists working on logo concepts for us, but LogoChefs' outshined them all. Plus, they quickly made the minor tweak we asked for.

    for logo design #2

  • George_Vraney · Apr 20, 2009

    Excellent result and very timely. We are more than satisfied. We have already received positive feedback from other professionals we use.

    for Company LOGO


  • Quote

    I even got my logos printed on T-shirts Everyone in the office was really excited about our new logo. We got a bunch of T-shirts printed and people practically snatched them away!

    Arnie Bloomberg, VP, Marketing, HeadCount E-Recrui

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    A very professional job! LogoChefs did a very professional job on my logo. The new, contemporary look of my logo is great - it was much appreciated by colleagues and business associates.

    Christopher Georgianni President,

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    The logos exceeded my expectations! My experience with LogoChefs was awesome. The logo that you designed exceeded my expectations! It was a simple process and I couldn't be more happy with the final product.

    Drew Wellman, Equity Contracting

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    My experience was rather easy... My experience was rather easy with LogoChefs. I appreciated the expedient feedback and various versions. I would recommend your company, and will utilize your services in the future.

    Jerry Walters,

  • Quote

    I could not recommend LogoChefs more highly. I could not recommend LogoChefs more highly. They have designed over 12 custom logos for us. Each has been professional, distinctive and wonderfully supportive of the particular brand. Our favorite part of the service is the ability to review the work fro

    m several different designs for a given logo. Their team of crackerjack designers will actually produce a lineup of logos – each with an entirely different point of view. You are sure to find a “look” that is best for your business.

     ...Read More

    Blair Brewster, President, SmartSign LLC