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  • Acrylic Painting
  • Amazon
  • Artist
  • Digital Painting
  • Editing
  • Music
  • Music Composition
  • Oil Painting
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Reviews
  • Spray Paint
  • Video
  • Watercolor Artist


  • Painter

    $12/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am an artist that started at small conventions and events. My selling point was "Paint postcard in 5 minutes or less or it's free". I always got their paintings done in less than 5 minutes. Since then,...

    Acrylic PaintingOil PaintingSpray PaintWatercolor Artist
  • Reviewer for amazon/ebay

    $8/hr Starting at $48 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I recently started upvoting and reviewing items on amazon and ebay. I am currently employed at an amazon warehouse which helps me to see first hand acceptable package handling. I know what is and is not...

  • Graphic Designer

    $15/hr Starting at $120 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a creative artist who can work in a variety of styles. I paint (acrylic, watercolour, spraypaint, oil, and just about any other medium you ask me to do). I utilizing both digital and traditionally...

    ArtistDigital PaintingEditingMusicMusic Composition


If you think it, I can create it

I am a creative artist who can work in a variety of styles. I paint (acrylic, watercolour, spraypaint, oil, and just about any other medium you ask me to do). I utilizing both digital and traditionally methods. I deliver artwork that exceeds my clients needs; both on time and on budget. My number one goal is to ensure that my clients are 150% satisfied with the work that I have provided, this not only includes my artwork but the entire working relationship. I am a designer. Interactive media is a broad spectrum and I make a point to be excellent at all that I do-photography, audio/video, music composition, and various edits. As an artistic designer, you can trust in talent (that I will show based on your need), reliability in my work and references, and quick communication.