Local Citation Services,Local Business Listing,USA Citation services,UK Citation services,CA Citation services,AU Citation services,Local Seo,Google Places, SEM, SMO, SMM
I've been working as a Advertiser of Business (SEO, LOCAL SEO, SEM, SMO) Local Citation Builder, Link builder for more than 7 years. I encountered several clients who have businesses located in US, UK, AU and CANADA. I know that my knowledge and experience are already enough to provide my clients high quality work But i study every time about Local SEO what is best.
******()******()***Services provided for my Clients *****()********()******
1: Google Plus Local / Google My Business Page Set-Up and Optimization for Locally USA, UK, CANADA, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia.
2: Local Directory Submission | Local Business Listings
3: Image Optimization
4: Clean-Up Incorrect Citation / Remove Duplicate Listings.
5: Local And World Wide Keyword Research
6: Local Citations Building for USA, UK, CANADA, New Zealand, South Africa and world wide.
7: Creating short videos for Clients business , Upload with GEO tagging.
8: Article Submission
9: Local and General Directory submission
10: All things related Local and Organic SEO.
I ready to reply your any question related to Google Places 7 pack 3, and 5, Google My Business Page setup, Local Citation Building, Citation Clean-Up, Fixing incorrect Citation, Remove duplicate Citation, Local SEO, Google My Business Page setup, Local Directory Submission, Social Media Marketing,Google Map Optimization and all About Local SEO & Organic SEO through Upwork message, Skype video call or Google Hangout system.
Work Terms
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