Humble, Professional, High Quality,
My name is Arief Gusti. I am a full web developer with about five years of experience currently based in Bandung, Indonesia.
I'm always looking to help out and get my hands deep into some code.
Here is an overview of what I can do to help you succeed.
Programming Languages: JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, HTML, Jade, PHP, Python, Java, Bash
Operating Systems: Linux (Administration, Installation, and Maintenance)
Databases: MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Data Management: JSON, XML, YAML,
WebSockets Platforms: Node.js, Express, Electron, NW.js, Cordova VCS
and Tooling: Git, Grunt, Gulp, npm,
Make Favorite Patterns: Responsive Design, MVC, MVVM, and Reactive programming.
Constructed desktop and mobile apps for a client using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, through Node.js, Electron, and the Cordova platform.
Produced multiple cross-platform desktop applications for internal usage in Python, Java, and Web languages.
Created and maintained modern, responsive websites for personal and family usage.
Managed and contributed heavily to several public, open-source projects.
Quick study of new APIs and languages.
Good designer with an eye for good layout and fonts.
Strong self-study skills and self-motivation.