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    I hired Megan initially to work as an editor and content developer in early 2013. Megan’s eye for detail and her ability to produce and edit creative and error-free copy in record time quickly caught the attention of the Director of Operation. Thus, six months into her role as editor, Megan was prom

    oted to Account Manager, where she oversaw all aspects of a client’s program; from social media and content creation to SEO and marketing strategy. During her time at AMG, Megan managed dozens of accounts. The workload was tremendous and expectations were high, but Megan continually impressed management with her ability to navigate stress and responsibility with ease. She was always professional and eager to do whatever was asked of her. I would recommend Megan for any number of positions. She’s extremely creative, driven, and is one of the most hardworking people I’ve ever met. Moreover, she is a kind and caring human being. She was a wonderful addition to our team and

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    Former Director of Content Development