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  • Bootstrap
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Ruby on Rails
  • AngularJS
  • CSS
  • CSS3
  • Full Stack Development
  • Node.js


  • Fullstack Ruby On Rails

    $18/hr Starting at $300 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I'm a fullstack Ruby On Rails developer with more than 3 years experiences, i will guarante my earning if i can't finished well the project

    AngularJSBootstrapCSSCSS3Full Stack Development


Fullstack Ruby on Rails | Fullstack Javascript

I'm a professional web developer with good understand about ruby and ruby on rails. For more than 3 years experience in handling many rails project for existing project or building from the scratch, and all of those projects are mostly for a fullstack web developer.

Will be happy to create a new MVP(Minimum Viable Product) to test the market share and the business flow of your app.

Here's the stacks of my backend experiences :
¦ Ruby and Ruby on Rails
¦ Authorization : Cancancan, Pundit
¦ Authentication : Devise
¦ Administration : RailsAdmin, ActiveAdmin
¦ Sidekiq, Redis
¦ Uploader : Paperclip, Carrierwave
¦ Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL
¦ Server management : Heroku, Digitalotion
¦ Cloud: AWS, S3
¦ Web server/Application Server : Nginx, Apache, Passanger, Unicorn, Puma
¦ Payment API integration: Stripe, paypal
¦ API Integration: facebook, twitter, Instagram, Google etc
¦ Python, django(beginner)
¦ Etc..

Here's the stacks of my frontend experiences :
¦ HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Foundation, jQuery, jQueryUI
¦ NodeJs, MeteorJS, AngularJS1/AngularJS2
¦ ReactJS/React Native (beginner)
¦ Preprocessor: Slim, HAML, Coffeescript
¦ Data visualization with Highcharts, Amcharts, FusionCharts
¦ Fine Uploader/Direct upload to AWS S3
¦ Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw
¦ Etc..

I love to learn new thing about backend development and frontend development.
By understanding backend plus frontend make me understand the world of the web development better and deeper.

you can check some projects on my repo :

¦¦¦ Money back guarantee, for unsatisfactory results of my work ¦¦¦

