My name is Mahmoud Sabry I am graduate from faculty of commerce specialized in business administration department.
i worked as part time jobs such as marketer, Waiter in restaurant, Cashier, seller at pastry shop, collect garbage in margarine company.
Take responsibility early in my life give me advantage in the future!
after graduation I worked in photography shop to learn about photography cause I like it and take it as hobby so I told for myself it's OK to get money from your hobby!
I started my photography business and it's brutal cause how you can imagine you give up for one job to doing more than 5 jobs I plan my page and arrange with client, write content, making Facebook ads, photograph, edit!!
all of that I do which I prove my capacity to lead and work in tough circumstance?!
After that it's time for military which they choose me an officer not solider so the responsibility is arise and issues increase but it's great experience and I still walk through this journey.