Ruby on Rails Developer
I am a senior Ruby on Rails developer with vast experience in building high quality websites. My experience isn't just in application development but building responsive sites which are cross-browser compatible as well. I like working in bigger teams that like to work hard and cares about creating beautiful interfaces, and designs.
I am looking forward to build good relationship with clients, cause it's important for me to build long term relationship with clients.
* Core Ruby: 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 2.x
* Ruby on Rails: 3.2.x, 4.x.x
* Templating engines: HAML, ERB, SLIM
* Front-end tools: CSS3, SASS, Javascript, jQuery, CoffeeScript, AngularJS, Twitter-Bootstrap, JSON/XML Data
* Databases: MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, Thinking Sphinx
* Testing tools: Selenium, Capybara, Cucumber, RSpec
* Dev tools: Git, Nginx, Vagrant
* Repositories: Bitbucket, GitHub, SVN
* Cloud Hosting: Heroku, Amazon servers
* APIs: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Geocoder, Google Maps