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  • Accounting
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Data Entry
  • English Teaching
  • Marketing
  • Teaching


  • Data Entry

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Seeking a freelance job that will utilize my experience and professionalism. Innovative professional with strong organizational skills. I received my degree from NYU in Economics but I have worked in...

    AccountingAccounts PayableAccounts ReceivableData EntryEnglish Teaching


I'm a dedicated, fast worker that completes a job in a timely fashion. One of my best qualities is being reliable to get the job done.

Seeking a freelance job that will utilize my experience and professionalism. Innovative professional with strong organizational skills. I received my degree from NYU in Economics but I have worked in many different fields such as marketing, accounting, and teaching. I have previously owned a bar/restaurant. I´m a clear communicator with an exceptional ability to establish cooperative relationships. I'm a fast learner and eager to learn new skills.

Work Terms

I can work most of the day. I only work a couple of hours at a school here from 10-12pm.