Your outsourced Sales/Customer Support/ Technical Support/ Market Research department
Please visit for detailed description of our projects accomplishments, partners and ongoing projects.We are continuously growing as a sales support organization and wish to help business to enter new markets or even expand their sales force in existing markets.
The Unique method of getting customer has never been so easy and cost effective. EasyCalls has huge client database for Distributors, Importers of SME's, StartUps, MNC's, Non- Profit Organizations etc. for customers in multiple domains/industries ( SaaS, PaaS, Technical Sales, Furniture, Pharmaceuticals, Food and Beverages, Glass , Leather etc.) present across globe. We provide sale support which not only saves time but also highly cost effective.Hiring and maintaining sales employees and keeping them motivated is a challenging tasks and has been seen as biggest hurdle for growth of any business.
So EasyCalls let you focus on your products and services development while finding prospect clients for your business and support them in 8 different languages. To know more about our services and projects accomplishments please go through the presentation attached. I certainly believe and you may agree that with changing market conditions the prime focus of any business is "Sales" and we at EasyCalls help you get continuous flow of prospect clients to foster sustainability.
I am very positive that for your company we could be highly effective to drive sales and develop new sales pipeline for new markets (North America, EMEA, Asia and Oceania). So with that note I would like you to go through our presentation and let us know that you are as passionate about your sales as we are.
We look forward to hear from you soon and please feel free to ask any question I will be more than happy to answer them.
Founded: 2014
Work Terms
Open 24/7