Writing a good code to get a fair money.
I’m a developer since 2004, when I started my studies developing games using Flash and Director.
When the iPhones were released I freaked out with all the possibilities and put my efforts to write code for it. It was 2008 when I first published my first app. Since then I have been developing many kinds of mobile apps and also server side applications needed to support mobile apps that have been developed by others.
A couple years ago I started studying machine learning by my own and last year I applied to Udacity's Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree to get a deeper understanding about this field.. I must say ML is the most exciting thing that happened to me regarding business and that it is my passion.
I've had a company in Brazil for 5 years and have written dozens of apps and platforms, mostly enterprise and some consumers, including an entire social network. Last year I had the opportunity to develop some applications using machine learning and deep learning skills such real time emotion recognition from webcams using convolutional neural nets, chatbots, unsupervised learning clustering, text classification, sentiment analysis from facebook comments, deep style transfer to videos (which allows to take a picture from a famous painting and output a video with the same painting style).
That's what I do: create software solutions writing the necessary code do make it run smoothly. (Only the necessary code once performance and optimisation are really important!)
Besides that, I’m involved with a few tech hobbies like writing firmwares for Arduino projects, 3D games, building drones or 3D prints, and making newtonian telescope lenses (I have a passion for watching the sky at night!).
Work Terms
I hope to spend 20 hours a week with theses projects.
I prefer to receive money using cryptos but I have a paypall acount just in case (very high fees so I like to avoid using it)
You can contact me by email, Skype, iOS Messages, Google hangouts.