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  • Cartography
  • Data Management
  • GIS
  • GIS Digitization
  • GIS Engineering
  • PostGIS
  • QGIS
  • Spatial Modeling


  • GIS&CAD Specialist

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My typical jobs: *Perform data processing, evaluation, creation and integration activities using specialized CAD/GIS computer software. *Supplies output of various maps and digital data products as needed...

    CartographyData ManagementERDAS IMAGINEGISGIS Digitization


GIS&CAD Specialist

My typical jobs:

*Perform data processing, evaluation, creation and integration activities using specialized CAD/GIS computer software.
*Supplies output of various maps and digital data products as needed for various projects specifications.
*CAD-based drafting projects, GIS-based projects.
*GIS analysis, database design, aerial photo interpretation.
*Integration of GIS and CAD products.
* obtain Lat Long coordinates for address points (geocoding)
* georeference scanned maps and vectorize data
* identify objects visible on a satellite image (e.g. houses, swimming pools), obtain addresses, Lat Long coordinates
* create elevation contours
* join two database with spatial data and visualize on the map (e.g. sales data and parcels, land zoning, school districts)
* filter and overlay different GIS data layers and create a multi page maps (map book)

Market analysis:
* density maps/ heatmaps of store location, sales
* overlay store location/ sales with census or tapestry segmentation data
* population living within a certain radius from a city
* driving distance, walking distance, nearest distance calculation

Data analysis and visualization:
* aggregate data spatially, visualize data on a map
* interactive clickable maps with popups and dynamic dashboard
* analysis and mapping of census data Specific

GIS skills:
* spatial analysis
* geocoding, georeferencing
* geoprocessing
* image processing
* ModelBuilder/Spatial Modeler
* QGIS, ArcGIS, GeoMedia, Erdas Imagine, Terra Explorer, Geomedia 3D
* Google Earth

Other skills:
* Linux
* Postgres
* PostGIS

Work Terms


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