$8/hr · Starting at $25 Ongoing
Dedicated Resource
Writes Research and Proofreads technical paper with appropriate structure and analysis. Creates sustainable program for education and labour migration.
CONSULTANT | YOUNG DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH & CONSULTING-CAMBODIA | 2017-PRESENT Develops Tech-Voc Programs based on the skills shortages and skills gaps in the Cambodian Labour Market; Communicates ideas on designing competency-based curriculum that meets the need of the labour market in Cambodia and ASEAN region; Analyze reports related to labour issues and provides well-balanced recommendations. RESEARCH INSTRUCTOR | INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL FOR CULINARY ARTS AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT- PHILIPPINES | AY 2016-2017 Effectively trained the students to write qualitative research based on critical thinking and analysis; Assisted the SHS Head on important documents by writing reports and research; Created forms for data required by the government. TRAINER | DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION- PHILIPPINES | AY 2015-2016 Facilitated training of public school teachers through SLAC(School Learning Action Cell) and In-Service Training; Provided materials that are appropriate to the needs of the learners and utilized them for effective learning; Created forms for data collection and analysis. INSTRUCTOR | HATYAI PITTAYAKOM- THAILAND | AY 2014-2015 Assisted Senior High School Thai Students develop their listening and speaking skills in English Conversation; Developed materials to help make English lessons easy for Thai students; Advised Thai teachers on their Lesson Plans in English Grammar. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE MISSIONARY | INDOCHINA & MINDANAO | 2015-PRESENT Encourages and connects with Burmese Students in House of Faith, Thailand as part of planning to give assistance to migrant students; Extends assistance to a village in Siem Reap through ocular visit which will be a basis on providing their needs; Reaches out to the Lumad in Mindanao by giving gifts and livelihood training.
25 hrs/wkemailpaypal
Technical Writers