Demand and lead generation marketing executive. Digital Marketing pioneer. The OG Growth Hacker.
Who am I? I’m a digital marketing pioneer, one of the first out of the gate to understand the value of integrated marketing; the SEO champion. I'm the OG Growth Hacker. What I also have is a real-world grasp at how the written and spoken word can shape and build a company. And, I have worked with some amazing companies and teams over my last 20+ years; experiences upon which I build.
While the list of companies I and my teams have grown is vast, the mantra remains the same; turning prospects into loyal customers using a holistic approach that includes social media, traditional marketing and a few spicy things thrown into the mix. Then I retain those loyal customers – turning them into brand ambassadors, which in turn, keeps the overall marketing budget down.
Want to know how to incorporate the latest social media vehicles in your marketing strategy? Need to know how that pearl of a position will rise your company above the din? Shoot me a message and let's chat.
Specialties: Marketing strategy, branding and identity, identifying new markets, public relations, copywriting, design, event marketing, "creating the buzz", viral marketing, leveraging social networking, demand and lead generation
Work Terms
Each client and gig is different; let's chat about what works best for both of us.