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    Hi, everyone My name is Rowena R. De Chavez, a working mom, entrepreneur, and a minister. Ms. Marita Santander is one of my best virtual professionals in one of my outsourcing businesses. For more than a year now, she has honed her skills in social media marketing, email marketing, website developme

    nt, online research, landing pages, photo editing, data entry, admin tasks. She is a consistent attendee to our mentoring program, learning more skills and new applications in this field of work. I could rely on her in handling social media accounts like none others. Her diligence towards her job is just amazing! I’ve known Ms. Marita to be of good moral character. She has grown as a matured person. Her passion as an entrepreneur herself, in reaching and building up others towards success is incredible. Her excellence in online marketing would be of great value to the industry, especially in targeting the right people for your products and se

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    3. Rev. Rowena Roperos De Chavez Accounting Office

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    I hired Marita Santander for a significant project which had several parts. Throughout, Marita conducted herself as a professional. Marita was courteous, patient, and enthusiastic. Marita sought specific instruction, exhibited good listening skills and the technical ability in carrying out the desir

    ed project. I would not hesitate to rehire Marita for a project that matched her technical skills. – Mitchell Goldstein Glenmont NY

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    Coach Mitch (Real State Broker)

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    To whom it may concern; I am a writer and needed to become a name brand on social media. I hired Marita Santander as a Social Media Specialist. Immediately, she got to work and quickly established my name on a global market via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other internet formats. It is through h

    er diligent and professional workmanship that I have found success in my writing career. I can honestly state without deception, Ms. Santander is and will be a valuable asset for anyone trying to make an impact on social media. Sincerely; Q. Amon. Atlanta, Georgia. U.S.A.

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    Q. Amon (Book Author/Self Employed)