Let me tackle your WordPress issues. I have a healthy addiction to problem-solving and troubleshooting!
Not Ordinary
I have a bachelor's in software engineering and a master's in computer science. I've built software with giant corporations such as IBM, Oracle, and Sony PlayStation. I've also worked in different industries (biotech, health care, photography, hospitality, outdoor adventures, and freelancing). Lately, I've managed a plugin support team and overhauled tons of help guides.
I've traveled and lived in different parts of the world (e.g., India, Bhutan, the EU, South America, Japan, and SE Asia) and explored different cultural philosophies.
Published in Print and Online
I've written for AirAsia Travel 3Sixty Magazine and Asian Geographic Magazine: https://www.caughtmyeye.dev/writing/#print.
I just finished writing the first-ever help guides for the Content Control plugin: https://contentcontrolplugin.com/docs/.
Style Guide Love
I love style guides, and I'm glad you do too. Here's the one I use for my clients: https://guide.caughtmyeye.cc/.
Of Course, AI!
I use AI prompts where it makes sense and to save time (cut costs).
I use Python code on my Mac that calls the ChatGPT 3.5 turbo API to convert my dev notes into a daily standup report in SCRUM style.