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  • Ad Design
  • Advertising Campaigns
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Materials
  • Product Promotion
  • Promotions
  • Social Media Marketing


  • Social Media Marketing

    $100/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Social media plays a huge role in creating a long-term and successful business. Creating a social media platform takes time, money, consistency and hard work! Most of the time, new entrepreneurs don't...

    Ad DesignAdvertising CampaignsMarketingMarketing MaterialsProduct Promotion


Social Media Marketing made easy!

Social media plays a huge role in creating a long-term and successful business.

Creating a social media platform takes time, money, consistency and hard work!
Most of the time, new entrepreneurs don't understand how social media marketing works and spends thousands of dollars on marketing that doesn't get them any results!

Did you know, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on ads a day?

In fact, you can build clientele with just $10/day? Insane right? I know, that is where I come in!

Marketing by Chrissy offers different marketing packages for new business owners such as:
•Website Building
•Content Creation
•Social Media Marketing (Instagram, Facebook)
•Business Customer Service Coaching & More!

Marketing does not have to be expensive, especially when you have the right plan in place!
Hiring a marketing professional to assist you will save you money, time and the headache of building your business.

My main focus is quality over quantity and getting my clients the results they are looking for organically!

Book your business consultation today!

Work Terms

We are open Monday - Sunday from 10:00 am - 7:00 pm!