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  • Management
  • Project Management
  • Research
  • Sales


  • Email Design

    $40/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have a unique combination of both technical and operational skills. Recent positions have given me the opportunity to create and implement promotion strategies for programs using traditional and electronic...

    ManagementProject Management
  • Research Analyst

    $50/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Ability to analyze information from customer/client database providing a clear synopsis of data and giving valuable information that can enhance relations and increase sales. Information can be extracted...



Looking to provide quality services to individuals and companies looking to make a positive and lasting impact with clients and stakeholders

Recent higher education professional who completed over 12 years in the industry.My initial area of focus was in recruitment, communications and admissions. As I spent more time in these positions I found that my interest in data analysis, policy and procedures growing. Through recently obtaining my MEd, I have been able to formalize my experience as a research analyst taking multiple datasets and creating cohesive report to assist with identifying trends and making better decisions.

Along the way I implemented a couple of CRM systems where I was able to establish the skills of creating electronic messages with key calls to action. This skill evolved from creating the content to creating and implementing full e-communication tactical plans.

I am always looking to grow, which typically means that my new found knowledge will be integrated into client work for a better product.