A satisfied customer equals a great provider! A promise made is a promise kept! Let's get the job done!
A trained teacher for over twelve years with experience at all levels at the education system. I produce great results. I also have training in other areas such as Psychology, Counselling, Sales, Marketing, Training and Management. I have been involved in several extra curricula activities both at school, church and community. It will be my delight to work for you here on Guru in the areas of: Voice overs, Proof Reading and Editing, Virtual Assistance, Happy Birthday and Anniversary greetings, etc. Also a freelancer on Fiverr. Feel free to email me with whatever other projects you have. I love what I do and I know that you will too.
Work Terms
I am now a full time freelancer/online worker so feel free to shoot me an email anytime. Also please email me with your request before placing an order so I can make final decisions regarding availability and delivery time.