Software Developer and a web development freelancer worked on business domains like telecom, finance, content management systems and electronic chips cataloging. I have worked in front end and backend development roles and I have some experience in system analyzing, and UI developing as well.
Technical Skills
JAVA Technologies: JSF, PrimeFaces, Spring MVC, GWT,JSP and Servlets, Hibernate, JMS, Junit, EJB, JasperReports.
Web Tools and Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Jquery.
Database: MS SQL, Oracle, Derby, DB2, MySQL.
Application and Web Servers: WebSphere, Weblogic, Glassfish, Apache Tomcat
IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans, Visual Studio, Spring Tool Suite, IBM RSA.
PHP: Zend Framework.
Version Control: Apache Subversion, Git.
Performance Tuning Tools: Jmeter, NewRelic, Sonar.
Build Automation Tools: Maven, Jenkins.
Degree: Bachelor degree of information systems Year: 2009
Faculty: Computers Science & Information Systems University: Helwan
Grade: Very Good Graduation Project: Excellent (99%)
Arabic: Native Language English: Fluent