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$15/hr · Starting at $25 Ongoing
Dedicated Resource
Topics: How-to ... be yourself; kick-start a NEW YOU; pick uo and go! Lower your blood pressure; be healthier; look great; travel
$15/hr · Starting at $100 Ongoing
This cv sample is a project between a developing world woman and a Western employer. Chhaya Devi Maharaj Contact Information 2007-2008. Future Star Academy, Math teacher, middle school. 2008-2009...
See mdaviswrites.wordpress, my professional blog. Glance at the content I provided for Pepys Diary, a professional blog from the UK. I've created content especially...
$8/hr · Starting at $25 Ongoing
I attach copy from one of my books, a Regency Romance novel. Her well-ordered life was in flames, but she continued. And this was just the beginning! Others didn’t see this, but Kyle noticed her sad red...
$15/hr · Starting at $150 Ongoing
Please see my own professional blog/website for how I create content for a speicific digital format. Also look at an article I created for Pepys Diary, another professional...
$20/hr · Starting at $25 Ongoing
ESL SINCE 1983. Mary Ann Davis Professional writer and educator with 25 years of experience seeking a position writing or teaching, specializing in English as a Second Language or the English language...
I'm a Native English speaker, many generations back. I'm reliable in every part of my business. I'll never leave you stranded. I write historical romance and am used to patient, thorough research. My strengths are honesty and curiosity.Member: Romance Writers of America. Jobs: full length novels, ghostwriting, all kinds of proofreading & editing. English tutor by skype or online. All ages.
40+ hours a week, 7 days/week. Competitive reaonable price.
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