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  • Article Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • SEO
  • Business Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Web Content Writing
  • Web Development


  • Web Content, Blogs, Articles

    $11/hr Starting at $35 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I appreciate the countless opportunities I have had to create diverse pieces, with unique purposes, and for varying individuals and audiences. I take pride in being able to classify myself as a pertinent...

    Article WritingBlog WritingBusiness WritingContent WritingSEO
  • SEO Article and Blog Post

    $15/hr Starting at $40 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    ??"When you pay for the content, you deserve the best in its class"?? ??Special offer?? Express Delivery Service available on all gig packages Please Visit my...

    Article WritingBlog WritingSEO


Hi! I m Mary. I was born and raised in United States. I'm a professional writer and here to help you create content for your website and business.My passion for words and written expression began early on. From a young age, I employed the use of written word for the purpose of conveying a particular message and sharing information. As I have gained experience as a professional writer and refined my skill and innate capabilities, I now find purpose in bringing expression and eloquence to a variety of individuals and their enterprises.

If you have any question regarding my writing services on Guru, please feel free to contact me.