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    Madhu Koduvalli is an accomplished, dedicated and detailed editor. In working as my editor on my latest novel, Flye on the Wall, Madhu’s finely-honed skills and experience gave the characters’ voices a new vibrancy and authenticity. Under her clear yet gentle guidance, the original plot evolved into

    a story line that was crisp, well-paced and authentic. With Madhu’s direction, Flye on the Wall grew into a book that speaks honestly and openly about teenage issues such as bullying, school violence and mental illness with truth, tact and empathy. Ms. Koduvalli worked tirelessly on getting every scene, every paragraph, and every sentence exactly the way it needed to be. Her feedback to me was direct, honest and ever mindful that her job was to make suggestions to improve the book, not to write it herself. Madhu’s keen intellect combined with an innate ability to give feedback that was both positive and

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    Mariah Burne