My name is matija,im 20 years old my skills are based on deisgn. Programs im good at are after effects,premiere pro,sony vegas,photoshop. I can make you any kind of video (for any platform),such as full video for youtube,trailers,cinematics,trailers,outro... I can make any kind of banner,image,or template in any programs i mentioned above. I have been on youtube since 2012 i was working as freelancer on some youtube channels such as top animeweekly and im helping a guy name heroin animeweekly2 to build his channel.
I was working in (youtube partners) as designer and support.
By now i have made many works and many of them i have sold example is promo video for company winter bloom
Also after i had finished my highschool i started with Belgrade college named ITS Comtrade related to multimedia and design.
Work Terms
All payments will be made through paypal
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