$50/hr · Starting at $250 Ongoing
Dedicated Resource
I have expertise in prototyping and design for manufacture for injection molding and rotational molding processes.
I have 8 years experience integrating sensors and actuators in the biomedical device industry and as part of my Ph.D. work. I have a Labview license and access to the advanced toolkits.
$50/hr · Starting at $500 Ongoing
I have proficiency in AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, and Solidworks. I also have experience in design for manufacture and 3D printing.
$50/hr · Starting at $25 Ongoing
$50/hr · Starting at $100 Ongoing
I am a native English speaker and have considerable experience authoring scientific journal articles and grant proposals.
3D Printing Experts
Prototyping Services
Biomedical Engineers
Product Designers
Scientific Writers
Freelance Writers
Computer Programmers
SolidWorks Designers
LabVIEW Developers