Don't publish real estate content that makes your clients want to eat socks. I'm here to help.
I'm Max Coursey the President and Broker of Tiger Prop. I love all things real estate and I'm currently infatuated with the ways that Blockchain and IOT can integrate into real estate. I host Real Estate Insiders Radio podcast where I'm working on a series regarding blockchain. I am a founding member of the Forbes Real Estate Council and have been featured in Business Insider, and Huffington Post. In addition to being a real estate broker, I have over 10 years of experience in real estate investment, property management, construction, real estate development, bank owned properties, rehabbing properties, and putting together real estate investment portfolios. I have over 15 years experience in working with inspectors, title companies, escrow officers, mortgage officers. If it touches real estate I have probably worked with it a little bit. In Idaho, Tiger Prop was sold to in July of 2018. Tiger Prop, now known as in Idaho, is a real estate brokerage that gives home buyers money instead of fruit baskets. To date the Tiger Prop Realtors have given or saved clients over $1.4million in brokerage fees when compared to a 6% broker. I'm looking to connect with real estate investors and entrepreneurs who would like to build their portfolio or collaborate in business. I'm also looking to interview select candidates for Real Estate Insiders Radio (a podcast).
Work Terms
Writing gigs & content creation are one hour minimum.
Coaching requires a minimum of (3) 30 minute sessions per month with a month to month agreement.
Consultation Services for Real Estate Investors requires a 3 hour minimum.
Technical Analysis and Consultation for Institutional Investors requires a 10 hour minimum.