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  • Internet Research
  • Legal Research
  • Research
  • Writing
  • Legal
  • English Language
  • French Language


  • Creative Writing

    $15/hr Starting at $250

    Having been an attorney for 20 years, I have experience in brief writing, cause writing, business writing and writing various correspondence. I was the author of a legal column in a local newspaper for...

    Internet ResearchLegalLegal ResearchResearchWriting
  • Copywriting

    $15/hr Starting at $250

    Having been an attorney for 20 years, I have experience in brief writing, cause writing, business writing and writing various correspondence. I was the author of a legal column in a local newspaper for...

    Internet ResearchLegalLegal ResearchResearchWriting
  • Blogs

    $15/hr Starting at $250

    I write a blog twice monthly for my website at and am constantly expanding its contents. I am a member of AWAI (American Writers and Artists Inc.), a wonderful organization...

    Internet ResearchLegal ResearchResearchWriting
  • Children's Writing

    $15/hr Starting at $250

    So far, I have written 6 children's books, working on the seventh. write a twice monthly blog for my website and am constantly expanding the contents of the website...

    Internet ResearchLegalLegal ResearchResearchWriting
  • French Translation

    $15/hr Starting at $250

    I was born in Quebec, Canada. I speak and write fluent French. I lived in California for 39 years, speak and write fluent English. I practiced law for the last 21 years I lived in the USA and master...

    English LanguageFrench LanguageInternet ResearchLegalLegal Research


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Tehachapi, CA, USA