Submitted On time, perfect quality, reports are my mission
Hi My name's Mayada Mustafa from Egypt
I am working now as an HR consultant
I have experience in Excel, word, pdf, reporting, Visio, and data entry & analysis
I worked on a quarterly report to show analysis for 3 months past
I am trying to submit the project or task on time with the highest quality
I can deal with many profiles
I can deal with many tasks
I am a good timer management
I can do sheet on drive
I can do timesheets and google forms
I can convert pdf or images to Word document
I am willing to work on tasks or projects after 7 PM every day and upon 4 Hours
So if anyone needs someone to do any task related to my skills or experiences, please contact me at
I can Work 5 Hours Every day
Take your task & don't forget that I am doing my best on it
Work Terms
I can Work 5 Hours Every day
Take your task & don't forget that I am doing my best on it
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