$5/hr · Starting at $25
I want to develop application in java with different platforms . i am energetic and smart guy who develop every aap like a turning point of my life . I also complete my task in a proper given time always...
When i was kid i taught how is it possible to code in 0 & 1 . But, now i am coding i feel great what i do and of course i love . Project are the mission games for us we need to finish accurately and also with in a specified time . As in counter strike 5 min game we need to find all the target and kill them, as in comptoronics we need to resolute all the flaws so the our customer dosent feel any type of dis comfort . Till now i have completed many project as a mjor one like "LFGtechnologies.com","gunther.in" and also work with aam aaadmi party at new delhi i am in the development field i want to go to the banglore so the i can target my business plan amd start the new journy if life, may be their must be some mistake but please ignore them
HTML Developers
SQL Developers
Microsoft SQL Server Managers
Java Developers
CSS Developers
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