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  • Article Writing
  • Content
  • Content Writing
  • Editing
  • English Language
  • Marketing
  • Off Page Optimization
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Research
  • SEO
  • SEO Article Writing
  • Social Media Post
  • WordPress
  • Writing


  • Content Creator & Content Marketer

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hi, I'm Md Abdul Ahad, a promising content creator, SEO article writer and content marketing specialist. I'm skilled at making engaging SEO content for your blog and social media networks. I have proficiency...

    Article WritingContentContent WritingEditingEnglish Language


Content Creator & Marketer

Hi, I'm Md Abdul Ahad, a promising content creator, SEO article writer and content marketing specialist. I'm skilled at making engaging SEO content for your blog and social media networks. I have proficiency in making contents about business, education, motivation, technology and so on. Content writing is my passion as I have completed masters in English Literature. I can fulfil your demand & take your business to the next level by providing amazing & SEO friendly content. I have the ability to make content considering the matter of business, culture and audience as I know the content marketing strategy & SEO.

Besides, I have been also operating a WordPress blog site for a long time. I have been also working on content marketing for one year. For your kind information that I have also experience on social media marketing and management for 2 years. I have also experience about image and video editing. Simplicity is inborn to me. I like to mix and communicate with people.

I'm capable to provide you with

compelling and engaging SEO Article
Attractive and appealing audio & video content
Educational and motivational audio-video documentary
Fluent English audio-video voice over
podcast making and video editing
Content writing, rewriting, editing etc.
Business and creative writing
copywriting and speech writing
Application of inbound marketing
Content creation & marketing
Content marketing strategy
Keyword research with keyword planner and other tools.
Off-page and on-page SEO
Yoast SEO usage
Social media content creation
Social media management
WordPress management

To get quality service feel free to message me. I'm always at your service.
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I want to take my earnings through Bank account.