Oncology, Biologics, Clinical Research, and Data analysis. Always striving for challenging impactful projects.
Oncology Pharmacist
Hospital Pharmacy Administration, Central Administration of
Pharmaceutical Affairs ,Ministry of health | Apr.2019 - Now, Cairo
I and my passionate oncology team are responsible for
standardization of oncology pharmacy practice through developing
different guidelines and standards to be implemented in all oncology
hospitals in Egypt.
Head of IV admixture pharmacy
Meetghamer Oncology center ,Specialised Medical Centers,
Ministry of health | Jan.2017 - Apr.2019, Meetghamr
I was responsible for developing the standard operating procedures
to ensure that all oncology preparations are prepared and dispensed
accurately and safely to all patients, in compliance with USP 797,
USP800 and ASHP guidelines.
IV admixture pharmacist
Meetghamer Oncology center ,Specialised Medical Centers,
Ministry of health | Jan.2014 - Jan.2017, Meetghamr
I was responsible for preparing chemotherapy medication inside the
aseptic room designed especially for that kind of preparation with
no hazard.
Ward pharmacist
Oncology and Heamatology ward ,International Medical Center
| Jan.2013 - Dec.2013, Cairo
I was responsible for reviewing and interpreting physician orders
and detecting therapeutic incompatibilities. Ward pharmacist serves
as the interface between physicians, pharmacists, nurses and