My mission is to write about sex, love, and how to make your partner crazy with passion! I also want to help men to understand women and women to understand men ESP. sexually!
I am a 54 year old single woman who has been through a lot of life experiences. I would like to put that knowledge to work, that I so struggled to learn, into articles that will help people going through similar struggles that I went through.
I have two years experience in creative writing; however, the majority of any experience I aquired is through the journey of life!
My hobbies are writing, family time, facebook groups that help people in several different venues of life. I also love to creative cook and volunteer at the local homeless shelter to give guidance.
My dream job is this job right here. It will allow me to help people and to give my life more meaning and make someone's life a little brighter!
Work Terms
I can work 20 of the 24 hours each day! My preferred method of payment is PayPal !