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  • Arabic Translation
  • Content Writing
  • English Language
  • Language Translation
  • Short Stories
  • Transcription
  • Writing


  • Transcriber and Writer

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can Transcribe in both English and Arabic I can write content and short stories in English I can translate from Arabic to English

    Arabic TranslationContent WritingEnglish LanguageLanguage TranslationShort Stories


Online English/Arabic/French tutor, writer, proofreader, editor, translator, and transcriber.

Hello, salut, ?????, ?????/?????, ciao/ehi, hola, hallo, ?????????

A huge fan of Gone With The Wind, and particularly Scarlet O'hara, hence the picture.
I don't have personal pictures, because Chuck Lorre's Darma and Greg's Larry sold me on his take on Conspiracy theory and fat cats.

Judge me, after you've dealt with me.

CliffsNotes version to what I do:

*I tutor French from Beginner to Intermediate to Arabic and at least Intermediate level English speakers, using Skype audio calls, and Screen Share option available on the app.

*I tutor English to Arabic speakers, and help Intermediate and upper Intermediate English speakers maintain and develop the skills they have.

*I edit and proofread English documents, because I just can't stand typos.

*I write primarily in English.

*I transcribe Arabic and English.

*I translate Arabic and French to English.

Thanks for stopping by, have a good day/night :D
Don't be a stranger, unless it's who you are, then no judging :D

Work Terms

Audio Skype Call
17:00-19:00 Gaza- Palestine time.
Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays $150 for a month of tutoring.
Saturdays, Mondays, Wednesdays $150 for a month of tutoring.
500 words $25
501-950 words $50
951-2000 words $100

Proofreading & Editing:
850 words $30
1700 words $60
3000 words $100

Attachments (Click to Preview)