“Andrew completely amazed me. He was charming, eager to learn about my project, and very professional. He agreed to meet me for an hour to learn about and advise me on a license deal I have for a new CPG product. I have been consulting various so-called experts on B2B licensing of our IP. Everyone I
met before Andrew suggested the same strict business model that wasn't clicking with my new strategic partners. Andrew gave me something completely different, refreshing, and unexpected--he laid out the foundation for a new strategy focusing on my personal strengths. In short, he shocked me. I cannot overemphasize the importance of his breakthrough approach. He is a rare breed of entrepreneur, an outstanding thought leader, and business savvy. His advice was tactful, spot on, and more importantly worked. Andrew sees the big picture and he has the synergy to plug you and your organization right in to where you need to be.”
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Gerry Lemanski, Inventor, Front Runner Packs