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  • Android Development
  • App & Mobile Programming
  • App Development
  • Mobile App Marketing
  • Software Development


  • Android APP Development

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hi there , i develop android apps and publish at play store. Woking as an android developer 3 years + 6 years in this industry. yo can check it up on my linkedIn. Expirinced at MVVM Clean Architecture,...

    Android DevelopmentApp & Mobile ProgrammingApp DevelopmentMobile App MarketingSoftware Development


I have 6 years of experience as a developer. Fullstack for half my career
I worked as. Kotlin and Java as languages ​​and MVVM as technology in Android
Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection, Dagger, Kotlin Flow, Coroutines,
LiveData, Data Binding, Room, Paging, Retrofit2, OkHttp, JetPack Compose
I have knowledge and experience on the subject.