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  • Creative Writing
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  • Writing, Editing, Proofreading, and More

    $18/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am ABD. This means I have completed all of the necessary work to obtain a Ph.D. with the exception of a defended dissertation. Thus, I am well trained in the skills and styles of academic research and...

    Academic ConsultingAcademic ResearchArticle WritingBlog WritingBook Writing


Writing, Editing, and Advising for Excellence

I have a Bachelors Degree in English and Psychology and a Master of Philosophy in Modern History. I am ABD. This means I have completed all of the necessary work to obtain a Ph.D. with the exception of a defended dissertation. Thus, I am well trained in the skills and styles of academic research and writing. Moreover, I have spent more than ten years lecturing at the university level in the humanities and in sustainability. I know how to identify good writing and improve bad writing. I know how to deconstruct and repackage complicated subjects so anyone can understand them. I am also creative, humorous, and quick on my feet. I know how to meet deadlines, organize projects, and meet expectations by following guidelines. I can write, edit, proofread, and/or advise writers on blog posts, poetry, short stories, novels, nonfiction essays, articles, books, and more.

Work Terms

I am available as needed, and I am willing to work on a schedule that suits both our needs.