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  • High School Teaching
  • Baseball
  • Basketball Writing
  • Benefits
  • Client
  • Exercise
  • Football
  • Functional
  • Middle School
  • Performance
  • Program Design
  • Soccer Writing
  • Therapy
  • Training
  • Volleyball


  • Athletic Performance Training

    $50/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    This division is designed to develop athletes of various levels (youth through semi-professional). Using scientifically proven research, the athlete will receive training in weight-lifting, aerobic endurance,...

    BaseballBasketball WritingBenefitsFootballHigh School Teaching
  • Exercise/Performance Therapy

    $50/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    This division is designed to partner with the client and embark on a journey of progressive rehab/therapy to get the client back into the game (life or athletic). Using scientifically proven research,...

    ClientExerciseFunctionalHigh School TeachingTherapy


Training Body, Mind and Spirit to UNLEASH the Ultimate You!

This business began in 2014 in Elyria, Ohio; with the focus on taking fitness and health to the next level. This business is a community asset for several reasons:

1) We partner with clients to combat health issues, prevention of health issues, and goal accomplishment.

2) Our clients range in age from 8 years old and up; athlete and non-athlete; male and female.

3) We provide a solid experience for upcoming trainers still in school. We not only guide their knowledge, but also allow them the opportunities to head programming, program design, and more.

4) We are an Insured-Professional Fitness & Health Training Business. All programming and training is of the highest standard; both ethically and morally. The training techniques and programming are based and proven through science, with the added influence of Christian Character building.

5) Additional Divisions: - Premarital & Marital Counseling.
- TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language)
- Spanish (various: Basic Introduction, Business/Corporate, Spanish for the Healthcare Provider, Spanish for the Fitness Trainer, and additional courses being developed).
- Mary Kay Beauty Division
- Youth Entrepreneur Division: Hair Bow Making (additional courses being developed).

Founded: 2014

Work Terms

Hours of operation are APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Payments are MONTHLY (pro-rated if clients join in the middle of month).
Healthcare Provider approval may be required for some clients prior to first session.