Experienced and adaptable developer delivering reliable maintainable code.
I've been a professional software developer for 20+ years. I've worked on everything from TRS-80 up to supercomputer clusters. I've developed embedded, mobile, desktop, server, web, and cloud based applications (Amazon AWS, Google, Microsoft). I'm an expert with Windows, MacOS, and Linux. I've worked with many other platforms such as VMware and various forms of Unix. I've worked with more exotic stuff such as Prolog and FPGA programming. I've worked with Arduino, Propeller, and similar microcontrollers. I've worked with a range of databases including MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server. Over the years I've worked in dozens of different programming languages. Most recently I've taught myself Unity3D for game development.
I've built complex solutions from scratch. I've worked with existing teams and projects. And I've salvaged projects that had reached nightmare status when other developers ran away screaming. I like to have clear development goals, well thought out implementations that will be maintainable, and concise documentation. However I come to a project I strive to leave it production ready.
I deliver code that is readable without excessive code comments but with appropriate comments wherever the logic may not be clear based solely on the code. I document usage in a manual so that the larger picture of how things go together can be understood. Where possible I use unit tests to maintain reliability.
I also have experience in electronics, drawing, CAD, 3D printing, and generally enjoy all forms of creativity. I like to try new things and bring my own artistry and attention to detail to new projects. I have passion for the beauty of we'll made things and enjoy putting in the hard work to produce them.
Work Terms
My schedule is flexible so I can be available day or night as needed. As such I prefer to not be tightly scheduled more than necessary. Usually I work in four hour uninterrupted chunks for optimal focus.
I work from my home office using my own equipment unless other arrangements are agreed upon.
For new clients I prefer payment through safe proxy. Payment is due either weekly for hourly work or at each milestone if agreed upon.
I prefer written communication via email. If visual information needs shared I prefer screenshots or video captures. I avoid casual communication for details.
I keep my work in source control. If you don't have source control I can use my own.