Ruby on Rails Fullstack Developer
Hi, My name is Michael passionate about web development and since 1 year Ruby on Rails. I'm working as a full stack ruby on rails developer in a startup in Paris.
What i've done :
- Messages system between 2 users with track of history, uploading files, notification of new message, read/unread tick.
- Integration of Mixpanel (user tracking)
- Integration of Slack API
- Integration of Twillio app (messages) / SendGrid (email)
- Search by city with GoogleMap API with optimisation of the answer time for a smooth user utilisation.
- Algorithme to rank venues.
- Search with multiples filters with optimisation off the answer time.
- Test writing
+ Fixing bugs in the back and front end
I'm looking for people who now what they want and i'll be glad to advice you on the tech side for any question before starting any project.
I have an technical eyes but also more global on what i'm doing and how to code a clear architecture for future developers and to be scalable.
My rails knowledge is also augmented with intimate knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, SQL, postgresql, javascript, coffeescript, rspec and jquery.