I motivate people in life, by coaching, public speaking, making motivational true stories on youtube or writing it on my blog. The theme is: Find you and your truth
Over the years I have worked with all kinds of community groups in many different countries. As a personal coach or Public speaker.
I am fascinated by how people live their lives. Love to join in their world and see where people end up in life.
As an artist, I express things in my painting or in art films. By the way, I make my own music to the movies.
Born in Sweden but living in Thailand since 2009. My cramping body is better in the heat and moisture in Thailand. I was born dead for 45 minutes, I did not breathe during that time. My diagnosis (cerebral palsy) has never prevented me from living. Worked as a climbing instructor, sailed across the Atlantic and much more
Perhaps the biggest success in life Paraolympic 1996 (Atlanta) and world record in the long jump, but it was very long ago ...
Work Terms
Normally I work Monday to Friday
Between 8.00-16.00 (+7 GTM)
I communicate over Skype, Zoom, Email, Phone or TeamViewer, all over the world.
Or other ways I do not know yet ...
Payment can be made to banks in Sweden or Thailand. Paypal is also available
Coaching assignments I work with a cycle of 3-6 months. My passion is to follow a whole process and this takes a long time with many different moments. An average standard process takes 6-9 months, with a cost of $ 3-4,000 (unlimited time is spent). I have worked like this for 40 years
Public speaking assignments can I take all over the world. Travel and subsistence costs are required. 30 years of experience
Make music and write assignments in different shapes by assignment