If it's related to website development, you can already consider it done.
I am a young IT enthusiast who is fond of coding and specialize in Website and Website Applications development, capable of building complete and fully-functional systems from plain scratch, which has now become my passion. Furthermore, I have familiarized myself with every widely-known CMS, but mostly with Wordpress which I am able to create templates and plugins for. Last but not least, Laravel. A fairly new addition to my skill-set, yet a great one for a well written website.
Without further ado, as long as the task involves web development, I can fulfill it.
Work Terms
Can be paid by the hour or by a fixed price, based on the client's preference. I prefer communicating through any means of chatting, so everything discussed will be written for a better understanding of the task by both parties. In general, I'm flexible on work terms and more than willing to discuss them and come to an agreement.