creating beautiful things for and with beautiful people
I am passionate about my work, I love understanding how things work and making a difference. My experience was acquired in working on challenging projects at the fringes of society. This kinda makes me a ninja in research and consultancy - which doesn't mean I am addicted to challenging projects only. It just means that for creative, positive work with mainstream issues or if you you seek out progress and aesthetic as well as rigorous job, I would be tens of times more efficient than conventional researchers and consultants. And, of course, if there is that difficult job you need done - I may well be your person, too. Doing challenging work my style is about accessing and harnessing creativity and the joy of making a difference where others have given up on things seemingly beyond repair.
Work Terms
My approach to you is based on respect and I expect the same in return
I am available as needed, usually responding within an hour during the day
I work with clear Terms of Reference, within agreed with you time framework
I would prefer to be payed via an online system called Paysera
My fee does not include VAT